Placebo Effect? -kinda long

 It was 2016 when I first tried to blog every day about something I was happy for.  If my tired mind is mathing correctly, that makes this the seventh year.  The reason I started was an attempt at reducing my depression.  It hasn't been a cure.  Getting my step count in every day for the last sixteen-ish months, and thus more exercise, also hasn't been a cure.  That said, the last... almost two years... have been rough on the world during the pandemic.  In the past I have tried a few anti-depression medications and not had success.  There have been weird side-effects including deepening the depression.  Then I don't want to try any new meds for a few years.  It was time to try again though.  The doctor prescribed a different medication and yesterday I took the first dose.  

Today I couldn't find the charger for my FitBit.  Instead of tearing through my room leaving nothing but destruction in my path, I went through things, cleaning and organizing as I went.  At some point I realized that this was unusual for me, in a good way.  That I wasn't overly frustrated with not finding the charger and that my room, at least the area near the bed where I expect the charger should be, was starting to look better.  Yesterday I went on that new medication to help fight my depression, today I felt less depressed.  My understanding is that these medications don't tend to work this fast.  The doctor started me on a low dose to see how well I tolerated it, fully expecting me to up my dose in the next week or two.  I'm not sure if this is a fluke and I just woke up well, that the loss of my charger got me motivated, the meds are working, or a placebo effect; but I hope I have more days like today going forward.  A replacement charger has been ordered and should be here in two days.

Other happy things for today:

  • It is winter in New Hampshire and rather cold outside.  Our dog, Aesop, had his first walk this morning with me.  We only went out to the extended part of the driveway, I was still in my pajamas.  From what I could tell, Aesop decided his paws were cold and then struck a prairie dog pose.
How cute is that?
  • Day 6 A&S Challenge:  A few years back I wove an inkle band with the intent to sew it into a bag. Today I started sewing it together. I also found my window crayons and had to try them out.

  • --K commented on yesterday's blog and complimented me on my "cool skills."  First, thank you, --K, I appreciate that.  Second, I appreciate --K's skills with helping me identify some of the animals and things I have seen and written about in blogs.  Third, --K, it took a while but I got the book you recommended a while back today on tracking.  I've only read the preface so far and looked at some pictures.  Thank you.

Currently reading: Tracking & The Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks and Sign, by Paul Rezendes

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


  1. Aw, you're welcome! Aesop's prairie dog pose is VERY cute. When Shadow's paws get too cold, he will sit down and try to get all four of them off the ground at once, which of course is not possible. His attempts look quite silly, and make me giggle a bit while simultaneously trying to get convince him to get back in the house where it's warm. We use "Musher's Secret" on his paws when it's really bitter cold out, it seems to prevent him from being too uncomfortable and also helps protect his feet from road salt.

    1. I hadn't heard of "Musher's Secret," thank you. We have some disposable paw mittens somewhere that Aesop doesn't like and are too much work for that first quick time outside. I'll let Keziah in on the 'secret.' ;)


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