Plants and Productivity

 By default today I was the person with the radio at work.  By radio I mean a walkie talkie type radio that the supervisors,trainers, safety folk, and one person from each line gets to have.  I feel like I had it because the other person across from me didn't want it.  It didn't matter, there were no known complaints so I guess I did okay.  Unfortunately, every single time I used it I wondered if they were ever cleaned between users.  I should have asked.  In order to ask I would have had to radio someone though...  I'm happy and grateful for the increased responsibility for the day though.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • There are plants in the cellar and I have been avoiding them.  This was a mistake, mostly because whatever is eating the bait in the mouse traps but not getting caught ate the tops off one or two and dug in some of them too.  That said, it meant that I took the time to care for them.  I repotted, added soil, watered, and did some reorganizing.  Two of the geraniums down there are looking really good.  I took a picture of one of the good looking ones.  I have a little space heater that I think is helping.

  • Reorganizing also happened on the front porch.  Some of the things got put down in the cellar and some just swept up and thrown away.  There is a bunch more to do there before I can set up the little greenhouse I bought.
  • While cleaning the porch I found sandpaper.  Sandpaper is what I have needed to install a new lock on the porch door.  We now have a door that can be opened with a passcode instead of a key.  Yay!  One door down, two to go.  I'm waiting for another day that is at least close to 30 degrees or over.
  • Day 23 of the A&S challenge I finished another row on the latch hook.  I was hoping for two, but sleep is more important.

Currently reading: Faith Hacker, by James ‘Jim’ Wilcox.

And  Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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