Today's Color is Purple

 As I sit, alone, in the studio I am again filled with gratitude and happiness at having this space to use.  I say alone, but there are others, friends and probably people I have yet to meet, in the building as well.  Today Keziah stayed home though.  I have worked on the braiding for what will someday be a braided rug and I have spent some time meditating.  The chair that I tend to use I keep moving slightly to chase the sun.  All seems right in my little corner of the room. 

Other, or more detail of, happy things for today:

  • Before going shopping today and picking up a pair of earbuds, I searched my room more for the ones I lost and found them.  Yay!  Listening to music at the studio with them is polite.  Dancing around the studio to music only I can hear is fun.
  • The yoga mat was placed in a sun beam before I practiced meditating.  
  • With my back on the yoga mat I looked up to the ceiling to see that someone had drawn some smiling faces.
Ceiling grafiti

  • I dyed the ends of my hair purple today with a color depositing shampoo.  I've been wanting to try this again for a while and Keziah picked me up a purple shampoo to try.  I did only the ends as a test run.  I'm allergy testing the shampoo/dye on my wrist to see about using it on the rest of my hair.  So far, I like the color.
Until this picture, I hadn't realized how
white my hair has become.
The ends are purple, maybe it'll all be purple soon.

A fun picture of the purple ends.

  • There was a beautiful sky today; bright, blue, and mostly sunny.

  • It is day 22 of the A&S challenge and I worked on braiding for the someday braided rug.  I wish I could say that I am getting better at it, but I am doing it, and that is huge.

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

And Tracking & The Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks and Sign, by Paul Rezendes.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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