Quiet Day

 It was a quiet week while the rest of the family were on vacation.  It was a fairly quiet day today while the rest of the family recovered from the jet lag.  It was quiet until they commented on how quiet it was.  That is when I started yelling, "What?  You want it loud?  I can be loud!  Loud!! Loud!! Loud!! Loud!! Loud!! Loud!! Loud!! Loud!! Loud!! Loud!!  Is that better?!!"  I even stomped my feet for emphasis. 😂  It is good that they are home.  Other happy things for today:

  • My phone and Facebook memories remind me that two years ago I was with Bel and Folke in Texas where we visited Big Bend and then New Mexico where we went to Carlsbad Caverns.  I miss them.  I'm thankful for the memories and the happiness I had that vacation week.  
  • Things in the greenhouse seem to be going well.  I rearranged the plants by which ones seem to be growing and which ones don't.  There is now a shelf and a half of each, good and not so good.  This will make it easier for me to reassess the plants in the coming weeks.  Ideally, I will get another greenhouse set up and get more plants growing that way.  

  • The world outside today was white, bright, and shiny!  Fresh snow can be so lovely.  

  • For day 55 of the A&S challenge I again did some weaving.  I seem to be having problems with my tension and I am working at making that better.

Currently reading:  Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

And Tracking & The Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks and Sign, by Paul Rezendes.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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