

There was a challenge I entered to walk 67 miles during the month of April. The 67 miles is based on the miles walked during the pilgrimage in Canterbury Tales.  For me, that challenge was to be just on actual walks and not my total miles per day using FitBit.  Life happened and I didn't reach that goal.  If I were to begin the challenge again I would just not count working days.  All that said, my total miles for the month are over 200. 

Last year when I did this same challenge I walked to Canterbury,  NH.  Today I did it again.  This time I split up the walk by going to the studio first.  I met my friend, Amy,  there and we walked the rest of the way together. Today most of my happy things are in pictures.

I am also very grateful to Zed who drove to Canterbury and picked us up when we were done so we didn't have to walk back.  

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

And The Middle Ages: A Graphic History, by Eleanor Janega and Neil Max Emmanuel.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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