
This Friday was studio day and studio days are good. Before the studio, we visited Concord's Market Days for a short while. During Market Days part of Main Street and some of the side streets are closed off and the streets are lined with pop-up tents and merchant trailers with fair food, crafts, entertainment, and other things to peruse or purchase.

It is a fun way to kick off the summer. Here are some other happy things from today:

  • Keziah and I stopped at Joann's for some fabric. There was a woman there who was having trouble choosing fabric and asked for our help (we happened to be in the same aisle). This person had never been in a fabric store and seemed a little out of her element. She was trying to match her couch pillow fabric. She said she only needed to replace two of the pillows, so not the whole couch.  None of the fabric was a perfect match so she wasn't sure if it would look right. I gave her my opinion, that choosing a complimentary color that would also go with the rest of the room is what I would choose. It seemed to open up her world. It was fun to see this creative spark just appear in someone.
  • Two SCA friends came to the studio to help out with making favor kits. We had some help from Keziah and another friend at the studio too. It feels good to have these organized and ready to give out to willing people who will help turn the kits into favors that I can in turn present to someone at an event. I'm very thankful for all the help in getting these ready and helping me to remember how to put these together.

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

Currently listening to: Seven Surrenders, by Ada Palmer
    I finished this today!

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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