D Day Anniversary

The day started with me being lazy. Eventually I was able to put myself together and get out of the house to run errands and go for a walk with my friend, Amy. Here are some happy things from today:

  • Talking with TF this morning I learned that Texas was supposed to have a high temperature of about 101 degrees. I sure am happy that I live in New England where today's high temperature was supposed to be around 79 degrees. Sorry TF, I hope your AC is working well.

  • Along the trail Amy and I walked we saw some blue herons.

  • Another thing that caught my eye was a lovely pink flower. Lens identifies them as sweet William, but I don’t remember the sweet WIlliams in the yard last year looking like these. My memory isn’t the greatest though. It also is a similar type of flower as the ones I saw in a neighbor's yard down the street, the dianthus. More research…if I can make the time… is required.  There were more than just pink colors too.

  • In our yard some roses have bloomed and the geranium is blooming too! One of the other geraniums has some buds now too. Yay!!



Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

And Tracking & The Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks and Sign, by Paul Rezendes.

Currently listening to: Seven Surrenders, by Ada Palmer

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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