Sewing Machine

The day started well, I worked on mowing the lawn and pulling some weeds. It was a good new beginning for the yard care. Then I found out that one of the people we went to see the fabric store with last weekend has Covid. So the rest of us (who were still basically symptomless) tested. Keziah and I are negative, but the other person also tested positive. I've canceled my plans that involve being with people outside of the household for the weekend. But, here are some other happy things from today:

Keziah and I went to the studio. We were the only ones in the building and she had some things to finish up and bring home. One of those things was to sew some things on the machine so she would have hand sewing to finish them up. She asked me to help by sewing them while she worked on something else. Unfortunately, the sewing machine didn't want to work properly. I decided to check and see if some thread or something was stuck inside. It turns out, what was stuck inside was enough lint that it had started to become felt in some places.


It also turns out that the class I took with my mom over 40 years ago still comes in handy when it comes to cleaning out a sewing machine. I cleaned out the gunk and now it works beautifully.

There was a vacant lot full of flowers. Keziah pulled over so I could take some pictures.

This little flower might be blue toadflax.

These flowers could be bird's-foot trefoil.


Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

And Tracking & The Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks and Sign, by Paul Rezendes.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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