Love and Light

Pretty much every day this year I have been reading the daily meditation book that I list at the end of the blog. I haven't been practicing it though. There were some things in the beginning that pushed some buttons for me. Still, reading it is useful and the button pushing lessens. There are lessons however within the book that I occasionally like and today I used one of them. When out for a walk in the city there was someone crying and talking on the phone-I sent them love and light. There was another person I walked by who was on the phone and obviously upset over something and I sent them love and light. The same with a person that might have been homeless, it doesn’t matter, they got some love and light too. These small things made me feel better for no apparent reason.  The people will never know and that doesn't seem to matter.  Other happy things from today:

  • I love seeing the State House lit up at night.

  • Walking by the umbrellas that hang in the walkway-they have a different feel at night for me. Perhaps a more whimsical Mary Poppins atmosphere.  I love how the metal handles reflect the street lighting.

  • Bel made beet burgers for dinner. It is no small task and they are always delicious.  I'm so happy that they have been able to visit.

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

Currently listening to: The Will to Battle, by Ada Palmer

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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