
On a highway, one of the first things I notice when I cross state lines sometimes are rocks.  When highways are made they often remove a hill, exposing the rocks, so we can drive with less of an incline.  So the rocks in Pennsylvania are not granite, or they are a different shade of granite than we have in NH.  I know some of the rock in Pennsylvania is shale.

I should study rocks more...  Other happy things from today include:
--We made it safely to our Pennsic destination.   

--With the help of friends there are now three pavilions set up in camp. 
--There are two people who are helping a lot with set up and I was able to take them out to dinner.   We had a nice time having our last non-camp food for a while.
--The flashlight swag I got from work have a magnet on them.  The porta-potties have a small metal hinge that the flashlight can hook to.  That has made any nighttime pilgrimages much more friendly.
--Pretty flowers at a rest area.


Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe. 


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