Sheep Making

Yesterday's activities left me with very little energy this morning. To be fair, I also wasn't able to stay awake when I wrote yesterday's blog and was up and down most of the night trying to finish it. Whatever the reason, energy was lacking today. Eventually I did pull myself out of bed and was occasionally productive. Here are some happy things from today:

  • Since I knew I would have a hard time getting my step count I started walking to the department store. I left about 45 minutes before Keziah did and she picked me up on her way to the store. Between the walk and department store I had around 8500 steps by lunch time. There was only a little pacing in the evening for me to make my 10,000 step-a-day goal.
  • Along the road I kept seeing a flower. When I finally took a picture of it, I realized that I have seen this flower in other places but forgot its name. The Lens app was no help this time, probably because my picture wasn't very clear. It is a pretty little flower.

  • There was one lone viola in the yard. I hope it spreads across the yard and is a plant I avoid mowing next year.
  • At the studio today Keziah and I took some time cleaning it up before friends came over. She helped tailor a 14th century gown for a friend. My friend, Amy, and I made sheep for the upcoming war over missing sheep. It is part of the schtick.

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

Currently listening to: The Will to Battle, by Ada Palmer

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


  1. Could your roadside pink flowers be Red Sandspurry, maybe?

    1. Thank you, --K. They could definitely be red sandspurry. :)


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