
Today I survived what I hope is the hottest temperature this summer. I know in other parts of the country 95 degrees isn't an extreme, in New Hampshire, it might be. There is still enough summer left that I know it could be worse. I'm happy that this heat wave should be over. In other happy things for today, let me brag on my kids and not my kids:

  • My daughter, Keziah, is talented. Today she taught me a little about painting silk. We sat in the shade and painted some silk to become banners for some friends in the SCA.

  •  My son, Bel, is talented. Today they replaced the CV joints (don't ask me what they are/do) in Keziah's car. They clambered around in the shade under a car in today's heat.

  • My kids are about four years apart and they are good friends. I remember when they weren't. I'm so happy that it changed.
  • My son-in-law, Zed, is talented. He works hard at his job to provide for the family, he is a super dad and husband, and he is always willing to give me a helping hand when things are heavy.
  • My grandson, Gideon, is talented. He is smart and thinks quickly. He uses that in ways to sharpen his wit with jokes and puns. He is ten and has an extraordinary vocabulary that he is comfortable with. When I was his age, if I used big words it was because I had a vocabulary test to study for.

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

Currently listening to: The Will to Battle, by Ada Palmer.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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