Pennsic Day 15

As the last full day of Pennsic comes to a close I am feeling sad it is ending but happy to be going home to my own room soon and house with an indoor shower, laundry, and indoor plumbing.   Other happy things from today:
--I made it back to the archery range to shoot the war points at the clout shoot.   The clout is a good sized target at about 100 yards. 
We shoot from where the short white posts are.  The target to aim at is the one in the distance with the castle type wall around it.  
Getting an arrow inside the castle wall is three points.  Hitting the target in the middle (Medusa) is four.  I don't remember what that closer target was worth, I didn't try that one.  The first six arrows I shot I scored zero.  The next six, all of them scored and each round after that I scored something.  I'm pleased with how I did.
I even hit the Medusa in the middle a couple times. 

--On the walk back from archery the Field Battle people were taking a break.  There weren't a many people this year as previous ones.   

--After a bunch of packing and take down we lit a fire and I listened to stories.  Most of the people still at camp are still out there as I write this, I think they are going to sing.  About half of camp went home already.   
--Keziah and I got fabric to make more garb with over the next few months.  I'm looking forward to spending time at the studio again.
--There is a person who does chalk drawings on the paved roads here, often labyrinths or mazes.  It is fun to watch them appear and the people interact with them.
Thank you for being part of my happy things.   Stay safe. 


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