
The company I work for is offering technical training classes starting next March. There is an application process and getting in is competitive. I applied today. I find it highly unlikely that I will get accepted, but I want to try. If nothing else I will learn a few things about myself. There are a few caveats with this, one being that should I be accepted and pass the class, I would most likely need to relocate somewhere else in the country to get the job I would be training for. There are a lot of steps to pass before that is something to worry about. Other happy things from today:

  • Keziah has been putting in extra time at the ceramics studio. She has sent a couple pictures and now has two pieces that look really good.
  • Last weekend at the event there were many lovely scrolls that were given out. I took a few pictures and forgot to share them. I don’t have the artist information, but they are some very talented people.  It makes me happy to look at them.

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

And The Three Miss Margarets, Louise Shaffer.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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