Cute Cats

Laughter hasn’t been coming easily for me lately. I’ve been looking for comedies to watch. I’m finding it interesting how many movies are listed as a comedy that I end up crying during. Sometimes it is a happy cry, but not always. It makes me happy to hear other people laugh. Other things I am happy for today:

  • While out this morning a friend had a mild seizure. Keziah spent the day with them at the ER. It was a little scary. I’m happy that medical treatment has helped and they are feeling somewhat better. 
  •  Yesterday when I wove my back hurt. Today I found a position that didn’t hurt and I got a fair amount woven. I have a deadline to get this done by so I am feeling a little more confident that I might be able to finish it.

  • The cats were so cute today grooming each other!

Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, Joan Borysenko.

Finished listening to: Blue Lily, Lily Blue, by Maggie Stiefvater.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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