So long February
Again I paced through the house to get my steps in before I went to sleep. I hope getting my steps done will be easier once the weather warms some. It is the last day of February so spring is right around the corner. Happy things from today are: Keziah and I finally got the contract signed for the studio and started paying. There was a delay on the other end and they got it to Keziah at the beginning of their vacation. Today was the first business day since they got back from vacation. Aesop, our dog, decided to take his bone for a walk today too. He only put it down a few times and I had him pick it back up and he carried it home. It is day 57 of the A&S challenge and I wove again. I’m still working on fixing the tension, but I think it is looking better. ☮ Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year , Joan Borysenko. And Tracking & The Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks a...