Pennsic Day 3

The majority of my day was spent in camp. I was either helping with set up in some way or resting and catching up with people. Set up is taking longer than usual this year. There are little things that are just being slightly problematic that keep delaying things. It will all be fine. Happy things from today include: --Keziah and I sharing tortilla chips and guacamole for lunch. --Getting my phone charged. Until more people are here I need to keep it close. --Remembering, before midnight, to practice my DuoLingo. --The shower got finished today! That was very welcome. --Hearing drums in the distance as I prepare for sleep. --Walking down a dark street at night. I enjoyed the coolness in the air, the stars and crescent moon, and the peaceful nature of this evening. ☮️ Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.