More Flowers

Thursday should be a nap day, but I wasn't able to stay asleep today. Eventually I gave up and joined Keziah at the studio. She has been there most of this week working on award scrolls that are due this weekend. Time at the studio is almost always good. Here are some other happy things from today: The whorled tickseed are blooming in the front yard. These flowers are supposed to attract butterflies and be native to North America. Small yellow daylilies are also blooming in the front. The exciting news of the day is that Keziah has made steps forward with her business venture. She is hoping to open a craft related store and today she stumbled on some stock for the store. She still has more steps before things are official, but it is looking very promising. ☮ Currently reading: Pocketful of Miracles: Prayer, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year , Joan Borysenko. Currently listening to: The Will to Battle , by Ada Palmer Thank yo...